Sunday, April 28, 2013

Start Button Back in Windows 8.1?



Now, one thing I want to settle; one of my tech pet peeves is having a tech news site with posts containing…rumors. Yes, fucking rumors. One, is cause they’re just that. Rumors. Nobody knows if they came from a source close to Microsoft, or just someone that has nothing better to do than spreading bullshit. Let’s remember something about a rumor from the so-called “Windows Mobile 7”.

Back when this spread, these screenshots seemed to be something quite tempting… Too tempting to be real. But it just resulted to be a fake. Look at the Word screenshot. It is just a Word 2007 screenshot forced to fit into the fake Mobile UI. FAIL.

Back into business; once again, I hate rumors, and I would NEVER post rumory shit unless it is officially confirmed. But this one really deserves our attention.

Anyways, it is said that, given the demands from the users and even manufacturers, the failure of their latest OS, which has triggered a downfall in the PC market, Microsoft is changing their mind and is bringing the Start button back into the Windows 8 Desktop in their next update: Windows 8.1, also called Windows Blue, besides a feature to boot directly to the Desktop itself. Well, I don’t know why Microsoft has decided to shove the Metro UI into everyone’s computers, touchscreen or not. It was just the worst decision ever, and most users complained about the so drastic changes. According to the…ahem…rumors, the Start button would have the old Start menu no more, but it would send the user back to the Metro Start screen. My opinion is: don’t give anything as a fact. I’m not going to judge, or review any of the leaks (since they’re still early WIP), I’m going to wait for a beta release to give my opinion on the matter.