Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Well, we are just a couple days away from the so feared day, December 21, 2012, when people claims will be the End of the World™, the Judgement Day™ and so on goes the list. It has come to my attention, that lately, cause of that, Southeast Mexico (mostly the worldwide famous Chichén Itzá ruins) has become quite a hotspot for people all around the world.

December 21 is the day where the long-cycle calendar starts over, that is, a new Bak’tun, the Bak’tun 13, will start. And some people takes the chance to spread apocalyptic BULLSHIT over the internet in order to create panic (and generate great PROFITS especially in Southeastern Mexico).

I’ve heard lots of “theories” about what people thinks will happen:


The Mayans foretold it: the end will be AWESOME!!!

1. Nibiru: The so-called, unexistent Planet X aka “Nibiru” will come close to the earth, and thus will bring chaos and devastation to our planet.

2. Hercolubus: Same shit as Nibiru, except this planet is supposed to be bigger than the Earth.

3. Annunakis or “reptilians” taking over the world. Come on, are you that STUPID?

4. The one I’ve heard of recently, according to some Catholic prophecy and a Japanese “princess” as well: three days of darkness. Whether is caused by a solar flare, or comet, or the Solar system passing through a dense part of the galaxy, or planetary alignment causing the Earth not to receive any sunlight for 3 years. Also, electrical network is said to be crippled too. And tons of deaths, earthquakes, and all the horrible shit typical of an apocalypse.

5. The poles melting, and thus sinking most of the landforms we know nowadays.

6. The poles inverting.

All I have to say is…



None of this bullshit is going to happen, so CALM DOWN. Don’t let your IQ fall by who-knows-how-many-points over something so trivial.

It is just the beginning of another period according to the Long Mayan Calendar. A Bak’tun is a unit composed of 20 Ka’tuns, which are composed by 20 tuns themselves. A “tun” is the Mayan year, which is based on the lunar phases, I think. It works the same way as our Gregorian calendar, where we have millennia, centuries, decades, and so on.

My opinion? Like Squirtle said once…


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